Addiction is real. Alcohol, meth, marijuana, heroin, fentanyl, opioids, sexual addiction; it’s all the same.
People need a safe place to go where they’re not shoving Suboxone, methadone, Valium, Xanax on them. That just becomes another addiction. I remember in the middle of my addiction wanting help sitting in front of the computer and not knowing where to look, that didn’t cost thousands of dollars. I remember sitting in a church parking lot just needing someone to see me. I promise that addiction doesn’t just affect poor people but all of society. The person with a pipe in their mouth or a needle in the arm could be you. God gave me a vision a few years back I called it the Now place. It is just what it says a place to go to now when you need help. It’s getting to the safe place right now because an hour from now could be too late.

The last few years we have been running a program called Chain Breakin’ Recovery we meet weekly tell people about ourselves as addicts and set examples as delivered set free by the blood of Jesus Christ. Recently we lost a man who was dear to us to overdose. If he’d had a safe place to go where he didn’t feel like a burden maybe he would be here today. Our friend was a warrior who loved God with all his heart, but he struggled with demons.
I know addiction has also hit some of your families, if this was your mom, dad, brother, sister, Aunt, Uncle, son, daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew why don’t you want them to be able to have a safe loving place to go. No questions just love. We are asking for help to make this vision come true for all of our loved ones in this community.